Crazy Town: Money. Marriage. Meth., released in 2008, sparked a national interest in methamphetamines and their nefarious effects on society. Told from the author’s, Sterling Braswell‘s, viewpoint, Crazy Town details the author’s marriage to a meth-addicted wife. Eventually, he is left in tatters — and almost murdered.
It’s a story that should be — and perhaps will be — a LifeTime movie!
It’s a scary tale. A precautionary tale. Overall, though, it is a hopeful tale.
Crazy Town: Money. Marriage. Meth. is interesting in one other way: the book is sort-of two books in one. The chapters alternate between Mr. Braswell’s story and the history of mehtamphetamines. In the history chapters, you’ll learn some surprising facts about the drug. Did you know that Hitler (yes, that Hitler!) was addicted to meth? Did you know that the military used it regularly to boost the endurance of soldiers?
Treat yourself to a wonderful, insightful, and emotional-charged book. An Independent Publisher Highlighted Title, Amazon best seller, and reader favorite.
Have a look at the book’s trailer.