It was nineteen years ago.
A quiet morning turned to a cauldron of destruction.
A day that no one could have imagined . . .
. . . and now everyone will remember.
On that day, people witnessed . . .
. . . 60 police officers . . .
. . . 343 firemen . . .
. . . 8 EMTs . . .
. . . and one member of the New York Fire Patrol . . .
. . . run into a burning building without regard for their own safety — and in which they would lose their lives as they saved countless others.
Now, we are in a time when arrogant celebrities are worshiped . . .
. . . mediocre athletes are idolized . . .
. . . and vain nobodies in the spotlight cast shadows on us . . .
. . . it falls upon us — each and every one of us — to cease the star-gazing and instead lift those among us who are truly heroic to the heights that they deserve, be they . . .
. . . inventors . . .
. . . discoverers . . .
. . . laborers . . .
. . . healers . . .
. . . protectors . . .
. . . and any of those who do for others without regard for applause or note.
Also remember and recall those who had a heavy burden thrust upon them and who, in those most difficult of moments, with the Guidance of Providence, acted with courage and direction in service to others, and who became a beacon for us all.
Like Tom Burnett, whose last recorded words are simply, “We’re going to do something.”
Those words are America’s mantra — its call to duty. They kindled the Founding of this most exceptional of countries . . .
. . . they birthed its magnificent growth . . .
. . . and they serve as the impetus while we move toward the best that is yet to come.
For now, let us put them in their context on the anniversary of the attacks of September 11, 2001. Let us read the transcript of Mr. Burnett’s final call to his wife. Let us see how a hero behaves.
Transcript of Tom Burnett’s Last Phone Call to His Wife, Deena
Deena: Tom?
Tom: Hi. Anything new?
Deena: No
Tom: Where are the kids?
Deena: They’re fine. They’re sitting at the table having breakfast. They’re asking to talk to you.
Tom: Tell them I’ll talk to them later.
Deena: I called your parents. They know your plane has been hijacked.
Tom: Oh…you shouldn’t have worried them. How are they doing?
Deena: They’re O.K.. Mary and Martha are with them.
Tom: Good.
(a long quiet pause)
Tom: We’re waiting until we’re over a rural area. We’re going to take back the airplane.
Deena: No! Sit down, be still, be quiet, and don’t draw attention to yourself!
Tom: Deena! If they’re going to crash this plane into the ground, we’re going to have do something!
Deena: What about the authorities?
Tom: We can’t wait for the authorities. I don’t know what they could do anyway. It’s up to us. I think we can do it.
Deena: What do you want me to do?
Tom: Pray, Deena, just pray.
(after a long pause)
Deena: I love you.
Tom: Don’t worry, we’re going to do something…
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May God bless you.
And may God bless the United States of America and its heroes.
Be heroic. Today and everyday.