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Millionaire’s Message, The


The Homemade Millionaire’s Secrets of the Rich and Free

The Millionaire’s Message: Read in an Hour. Reap for Life. “Start using the life-changing ideas in this great little book to build a better life for yourself and your family — you’ll be glad you did. Remember, life is tremendous when you seize a good opportunity and make the most of it.” —Charlie “Tremendous” Jones

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Publish Date

August 2015


Ebook (EPUB), Paperback + Ebook (EPUB) Bundle


The Millionaire’s Message: Read in an Hour. Reap for Life.

Meet Michael Zors. The “Homemade Millionaire.” A man who began with nothing and now has a lot. He has a message for you — a message that will make you one of the elite, one of the rich and free.

That’s right, you can enjoy a life of success and happiness, a life that is just a dream for most people no matter how hard they work, a life where you are the boss and you reap the rewards.

What does it take? Only the willingness to learn the simple secrets and processes that people like Zors — the rich and free— use to accomplish anything.

“Start using the life-changing ideas in this great little book to build a better life for yourself and your family — you’ll be glad you did. Remember, life is tremendous when you seize a good opportunity and make the most of it.” –Charlie “Tremendous” Jones

Editorial Reviews

Midwest Book Review: "highly recommended and potentially life-changing"

A quick and easy read that is specifically designed and written for the non-specialist general reader who would like to improve the quality of their life by increasing their access to the money an improved life-style would require, "The Millionaire's Message: The Homemade Millionaire's Secrets of the Rich and Free" is highly recommended and potentially life-changing.

Midwest Book Review

Readers' Favorite: 4 out of 5 Stars!

The Millionaire's Message by Bryan James is a book that celebrates how it’s the little things that add up to the big things in our lives. Beginning with the importance of will and its phenomenal power, the author mentions the perceived limits of our ability; we do what we believe we can do. Hence, if we reprogram the subconscious mind, anything impossible can be achieved. Such internal dialogue can effectively program what you believe, how you react, what you consciously hear, and so many other aspects of who you are. The ways of achieving this, and the roles played by commitment in letting one reach newer heights are discussed. A good selection of related titles is shown for those interested in further studies.

The Millionaire's Message by Bryan James is an inspiring book. The author suggests pragmatic techniques for achieving what he proposes. The author suggests ways to eliminate one's dissatisfaction with the status quo, and demonstrates techniques to achieve favorable results. A good selection of books on this subject is provided for further study and reference. Stirring couplets are placed at vantage points in the text: “There are thousands to tell you it can’t be done, there are thousands to prophesy failure. But just buckle in with a bit of a grin, Just take off your coat and go do it” make this book a stimulant.

— Reviewed by Roy T. James for Readers' Favorite

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