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129 Seminar Speaking Success Tips


No matter what your level of experience – from rank beginner to polished professional — you’re going to find in this book a practical reference guide to help you achieve smashing success with seminar speaking. Guaranteed.

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Publish Date

January 2009


Paperback + Digital Bundle, Digital Only


129 Seminar Speaking Success Tips is comprised of 129 tips. Each tip is based on David R. Portney’s real-world experience doing literally thousands of seminars, classes, trainings, workshops, keynote speeches, presentations, and public speaking engagements for the last 26 years.

These tips are not in any special order or sequence—and that’s on purpose. You can open up to any page at random to find a tip you can use in the real world starting right now. The first tip listed is not first because it’s meant to be read first, nor is the last tip meant to be read last. You can treat this book like “a box of chocolates” and just open to any page and be surprised and delighted by what you find.

Taken altogether, this collection of tips comprises a serious body of knowledge and experience that you can put to practical use in the real world starting right away. This is not a theoretical work, nor is it a compilation of other works. You’ll find that this book stands unique as compared to other works on the topic.

  • You’ll find tips that help you to conquer stage fright.
  • You’ll find tips that help you to overcome fear of public speaking.
  • You’ll find plenty of terrific tips on how to find bookings and speaking engagements.
  • You’ll find tips on how to handle questions, tips on how to structure a flowing and flawless presentation, and tips on expert presentation skills.

Taken as a whole, this book allows you to conquer stage fright, know how to organize any kind of seminar or group event, and become a master of seminar speaking.

Why You Should Read 129 Seminar Speaking Success Tips

If you’re not doing seminars or some kind of public speaking, then you’re just throwing away money. If you are doing some form of speaking, I can guarantee you’re making mistakes that are costing you a lot of money and keeping you from earning what you’re really worth.

Let’s put it this way: You are throwing money away because you’re not doing seminar speaking right — or at all.

Either way, you’re lucky you have this book right now because these proven, real-world tips and techniques are going to save you a lot of money — and make you a lot of money.

In this book, I like to use the generic term “seminar speaking” when I talk about any kind of public speaking. I use the term “seminar speaking” to include any time you speak to a group of people. It doesn’t matter whether it’s an actual seminar, a workshop, or a meeting. It doesn’t matter if it’s a class, a boot camp, or training. It doesn’t matter if it’s a conference, a charity fund raising event, or a political dinner. I don’t care if it’s a wedding speech, a keynote speech, or a presentation to the board of directors or a group of sales prospects. If there are people there and you’re speaking to them as a group, you are doing what I call Seminar Speaking.

If you’ve never done seminar speaking of any kind before, you’re going to find a treasure chest full of tips, tools, and techniques here. Each tip, tool, and technique has been road-tested in the real world and proven effective — and can be put to use immediately.

If you have done some seminar speaking before, you’re going to find some missing pieces in what you’ve been doing (or not doing) that will take your skill, ability, and effectiveness to a whole new level of success.

Finally, if you’re a seasoned pro, you’re going to be able to take these tips and put a fine shine — a high-polish — on what you’re doing.

No matter what your level of experience — from rank beginner to polished professional — you’re going to find in this book a practical reference guide to help you achieve smashing success with seminar speaking.

  • You will find inspiring tips that will motivate you to action.
  • You will find life-saving tips that will help you conquer stage fright and overcome fear of public speaking.
  • You will find tips that will allow you to organize your own seminars with ease.
  • You will find tips that will allow you to prevent your seminar from becoming a chaotic disaster.
  • You will find a number of terrific marketing tips—tips on how to get the “butts in the seats” or even get other people to do that for you.
  • You will find tips on how to be a master of the stage and a polished and professional presenter.
  • You will find tips on how to avoid deadly mistakes.

And much more…

This book will set you on the right path. No more guess-work, no more mistakes. No more scratching your head wondering what to do. I’ll separate the myths from the realities. I’ll separate the lies from the truth. I’ll separate the wheat from the chaff. I’ll untangle fact from fiction. I’ll set the record straight.

In this book you get all meat — no fluff, no filler.

“I’m a beginner at public speaking and seminars, but sometimes I have to speak to groups as part of my job (insurance). What I like about 129 Seminar Speaking Success Tips is that each tip is short and to the point and gives me a powerful strategy or technique that I can start using right away. I can’t find any fluff or filler like in some other books I’ve seen on the topic. I like to open up to any page at random and read that tip and then implement that one specific tip. That keeps me from going into “information overload” and keeps me focused on just one thing at a time. Using this book I’m sure I can build up my public speaking and seminar skills in a fun and easy way. To me, this isn’t just another book you read and then put up on a shelf and say “nice book”, this is a book you can really use.”

—Kevin M. Durkin

“Do you have a short attention span and need something really good to keep your interest? This book is definitely for you! I needed a book on seminars and public speaking and honestly, I did not have the time nor patience to slog through page after page of tedious reading. That’s why I loved this book: It was quick and to the point! I would highly recommend this book to anyone – whether a beginner or expert! Two thumbs up for “129 Seminar Speaking Success Tips”! Well done!”

—Nancy E. Partington

“I’ve been doing seminars for over 10 years and many of these tips are exactly what I have experienced. The great thing about this book is that it contains strategies that I’ve never thought of or used before.”

—A Reader

Review 129 Seminar Speaking Success Tips.


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