We all need pick-me-ups. Those sayings or reminders that get our minds back on track to what is important in our lives.
To what really matters.
John W. Pozzi is a master at writing these reminders — these Reflections. Every one he writes packs the potential for a resounding impact in your day, your week, even your life. (You can receive John’s Daily Reflection at his Facebook Page.)
Here are ten Reflections that John penned that are practically guaranteed to make your day better. Chances are likely that they’ll even make your week better, should you take but a few moments to really think about the message that they contain.
Enjoy these Reflections.
Think about them.
Share them!
And enjoy the feelings that they inspire within you…
Then get John’s book, Keeping the Faith: Daily Reflections to Build Strength, Serenity, and Passion in Your Life and the Lives of Others.
Never cry over the people that hurt you, just smile and say, “Thank you. Now I can find someone better than you.”
Nothing can offer you peace in your life except yourself.
Stop building walls around yourself to protect yourself from sadness and pain. Those same walls also prevent happiness and joy from entering your life. Open yourself up to all the world has to offer you today.
When you are down and need something to pick you up, look to the Lord God and see all He gives you each day: the flowers, our families and friends, and—most of all—our lives that touch other people each and every day. So smile! That simple gesture will mean so much to another person—possibly more than you will ever know.
Perfection does not usually inspire others. It is how you deal with failure that inspires. So inspire people by how you deal with imperfections in your life.
If you don’t try to change anything, then nothing will ever change.
Success is not determined by other people or what material goods you own. Success is knowing that you have used and shared your God-given talents each day to the fullest you can.
Are you going to be the teacher or the student today? You are never too old to be the student, so learn something new every day so you can teach it tomorrow.
Fate decides who enters your life. You determine how long they stay a part of it.
Who is the one person in your life that, no matter what the situation is—good or bad—they are the first person you want to talk to? Today, thank them for being that person.
There are no do-overs in life, so why hang on so tightly to past mistakes when you can be dreaming of the great things in front of you?