Kallisti Publishing Inc. is very happy to introduce to you a new line of books.
You will find in these books incredible and new ways by which to see the world around you — ways that will provide a path toward unbounded success.
You’ve heard about the “laws” of some-such subject, I am sure. And broken one or two in your day.
Same with “rules” — you’ve heard all about them and perhaps even know a few, if not disproved quite a lot of them.
What about notions that are permanent . . .
. . . timeless . . .
. . . forever?
Well, they exist.
And we are going to bring them to you, subject by subject.
We call them . . .

[ak-see-uhms] –noun 1. statements or propositions that are regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true 2. the sublime and intrinsic facts of a subject that form the foundational underpinnings upon which one can build unbounded and limitless success.
Got that?
It’s very simple, really.
And we can make it simpler . . .
What’s the difference between a rule and an AXIOM?
A rule is a guideline to follow that has a strong probability of yielding the expected result.
An AXIOM is an immutable law which can be violated only under the most extraordinary circumstances if at all.
The value of having these AXIOMS written out for you is I think obvious, but in case not, let me state it plainly:
By obeying these AXIOMS, and making your promotions conform to them, you can substantially improve your marketing results.
Conversely, when you ignore all or even one of these AXIOMS, you risk poor results and monetary losses.
The AXIOMS of Marketing

The AXIOMS of Marketing are
- Marketing Effectiveness Is Not Subjective
- Likeability ‡ Effectiveness
- High Accuracy = High Results
- Lead Quality = 1/Lead Quantity
- Knowledge Is Finite
- Emotion > Facts
In The AXIOMS of Marketing, you have 6 undeniable truths about marketing, what they can do, and how to implement them in your marketing for maximum results. The AXIOMS work virtually all the time, and when you defy one or more of the AXIOMS, your marketing results invariably falls short of the mark.
One other advantage of mastering and following these SIX AXIOMS of marketing is that they, unlike marketing technology and channels, are immutable and do not change over time. “The same principles of human desire and methods of influence that guided the markets of ancient Greece are still operating today,” writes Craig Simpson and Brian Kurtz in their book The Advertising Solution. “In order to get people to do what you want them to do, you have to understand what motivates them. You also have to know how to prevent yourself and your product to get their interest, their trust, and ultimately their willingness to call you, visit you, or send you their money.”
The AXIOMS of Copywriting

The AXIOMS of Copywriting are
- Offer > Brand
- Long Copy Works
- More Research = Better Copy
- More Experiences = Better Copy
- Effectiveness = 1/# People
You will discover the 5 universal elements of persuasion that form the foundation of writing advertising and marketing copy that sells. In this The AXIOMS of Copywriting, we delve into the five most important fundamentals of persuasion in print broadcast and on-screen.
More and more copywriters today do not know the proven rules and principles of persuasion. Why this refusal to adhere to first principles?
Many copywriters don’t understand the fundamentals of sales writing.
Some copywriters look down upon the time-tested rules as old-fashioned, out-of-touch, or even antiquated.
Others are more concerned with winning creative awards and filling their portfolios with snazzy ads rather than effective ads that send sales through the roof.
We need your help to get these to #1!
You are going to be thrilled with these books. They’re insightful, illuminating, and instructive. (Not to mention beautiful!)
With your help, we hope to give these book a great launch. Please click on the book covers or the links below and get them for yourself — or someone you love. They’re low-priced and your purchase will help us a lot — and we will appreciate it a lot.
You are about to open vistas to a great new world.
Thank you! And always remember to . . .
Move forward boldly . . .
Anthony Raymond Michalski