Businessman, visionary, and author Charles F. Haanel — also known as “The Man Who Unlocked the World” — is most well-known for an amazing book he wrote and sold over one hundred years ago. That book is The Master Key System. It continues to instruct and inspire today thanks to the tireless efforts of one company, Kallisti Publishing, who provide the book absolutely free to anyone who wants it.
“When I first read the book, I knew I had found it — that one thing that would change my life forever,” says Tony Michalski, the publisher at Kallisti Publishing. “I think it’s been around for so long, seeing its ups and downs, because it is such an incredible book. It’s one that truly transforms.”
If you’ve never heard of the book, then you’re not alone. Most people haven’t. While it is assumed that Charles F. Haanel sold quite a few of them in the early part of the twentieth century, it never attained the acclaim of many of his students’ works, such as Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, who in a famous letter expressed his praises and thanks to The Master Key System for much of the success he had achieved.
“The fact that it’s a deep book that requires the active participation of the reader, or student, in some way prevented it from being really huge,” says Mr. Michalski. “It isn’t an easy book to read, and the exercises require a certain amount of tenacity. If you stick with it, though,” continues Michalski, “then — WOW! — you’re going to see some very positive changes.”
Kallisti Publishing has provided The Master Key System free of charge to anyone who wishes to get it. “It helped me so much that I want it to help everyone just as much,” says Michalski. Since he began giving it away at http://www.TheFreeMasterKey.com, it has been enjoyed by more than half a million people.
“It really is tough to tell exactly how many people have taken advantage of this,” says Michalski, “because the web site has undergone changes and counters had to be reset. I conservatively pin it at around 500,000 copies of the book.”
What does the future hold? “Lots. Our goal used to be one million copies of the book. Now, we’re aiming for 10,000,000. And when we hit that, which we will, we’ll go even higher! I think everyone should read this book.”
You can get your copy of The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel from Kallisti Publishing absolutely free — no email, registration, or payment of any kind required — at http://www.TheFreeMasterKey.com.