Happy Valentine’s Day from Kallisti Publishing. Here is a collection of quotes from our favourite author Charles F. Haanel on the topic of LOVE. Please enjoy. And if you like it, then SHARE them, because that’s a LOVELY thing to do!
Love is nothing material and yet no one will deny that it is something very real. (Charles F. Haanel)
Love God, Love your neighbour, Love yourself, Love your enemy, Love everybody and everything. (Charles F. Haanel)
The only way to get love is by giving it. (Charles F. Haanel)
The law of love is the creative force behind everything of which the imagination can form any conception. (Charles F. Haanel)
Think love, and act it out, as often as possible. (Charles F. Haanel)
The Law of Attraction is the Law of Love and Love is life. (Charles F. Haanel)
The emotion of love will seek expression in demonstrations of loving service. (Charles F. Haanel)
All the mother love is in the spirit of a woman. (Charles F. Haanel)
We have found that the Universal substance is All Health, All Substance, and All Love. (Charles F. Haanel)
It is love which imparts vitality to thought. (Charles F. Haanel)
No one can afford to hate because hate always destroys the hater. (Charles F. Haanel)
Thought impregnated with love becomes invincible. (Charles F. Haanel)
If we send out thoughts of love and health, they return to us like bread cast upon the waters. (Charles F. Haanel)
God is love and that God is omnipresent. (Charles F. Haanel)