An Inspirational Tale About Uncovering the 7 Master Keys of Wisdom and Wealth
You will forge a meaningful path to success when you discover the Covenant Secret. Uncovering the seven keys to super-success in life and business can be a simple as reading a tale, a parable, if you will, especially when the teller of the tale is the best-selling co-author of the Wall Street classic The Fall of the House of Hutton, John Feloni.
Uncovering the seven keys to super-success in life and business can be a simple as reading a tale, a parable, if you will, especially when the teller of the tale is the best-selling co-author of the Wall Street classic The Fall of the House of Hutton, John Feloni.
“The Covenant Secret” tells the story of a fresh-out-of-business-school and intensely-focused-on-money entrepreneur, Bill Rand, whose startup company is not doing too well. Unbeknownst to him, Bill is about to embark on a journey of discovery guided by Tom Crawford, one of the world’s great entrepreneurs, a journey that will change Bill’s life — as well as his fortunes.
Travel with Bill as he learns the answers to these pressing and timely questions –
– What is business REALLY about?
– Is business solely about the money?
– Where do people fit into the business equation?
– How are misconceptions holding you back from your full potential?
– What’s at the heart of this new “stakeholder capitalism” idea?
– What changes can you make to maximize your efforts?
– Who (or what) are you ultimately serving with your business and in your life?
These are questions that, once answered, will open doors for you in life just as much as in business. “The Covenant Secret” takes the reader through all of the pivotal aspects of good business: investors, shareholders, customers, partners, employees, the communities they serve, and the planet on which we live. As you will see, all of these constitute what you will come to call the “Covenant Secret.”
The author wrote this business exemplum thirty years ago — and the message is relevant today, more than ever. As you read this wonderful modern-day parable, you will come to the undeniable conclusion that, in business and life, it’s about people and relationships. In fact, you’ll see that they are the only things that matter.
Chapter 1: People Are Stupid!
Where the young man experiences difficulties in his business
Chapter 2: It’s the People, Stupid!
Where the young man meets his mentor in a new way of thinking
Chapter 3: Relationship Management
Where the young man learns the secret of successful relationships
Chapter 4: Gratitude
Where the young man understands the truth about gratitude
Chapter 5: Customers
Where the young man learns that the law of success is service
Chapter 6: Partners
Where the young man comprehends the importance of trust and integrity
Chapter 7: Investors/Shareholders
Where the young man sees the power of influence as well as its source
Chapter 8: Employees/Co-workers
Where the young man comes to know the value of passion
Chapter 9: Community
Where the young man encounters the power of his beliefs
Chapter 10: The Relationship Professional
Where the young man learns the complete Covenant Secret
Readers' Favorite
Readers Favorite Five Stars for The Covenant Secret by John Feloni
The Covenant Secret: An Inspirational Tale About Uncovering the 7 Master Keys of Wisdom and Wealth by John Feloni is a business parable that follows the journey of Bill Rand, a young and ambitious entrepreneur struggling to keep his startup afloat. Bill is fixated on the financial side of business, but his lack of understanding of human connections is holding him back. When he seeks advice from the wise Tom Crawford, a successful business leader, Bill embarks on a transformative journey. Under Crawford's mentorship, Bill uncovers the "Covenant Secret"—seven core principles that emphasize the power of relationships, integrity, gratitude, and compassion in achieving lasting success. These principles guide him in reshaping how he views business and life, shifting his focus from profit to people and purpose.
The Covenant Secret emphasizes personal growth and the interconnectedness of people in business. I appreciated the simplicity of the parable format, which makes these complex lessons more accessible. The book's pacing gave me the chance to have deeper insights into values-driven leadership. The characters, especially Bill and Tom, were relatable, with Bill’s transformation being a powerful focal point. John Feloni's writing style is clear and straightforward, allowing the message to shine without unnecessary complexity. While the narrative itself is a classic mentorship story, the lessons about prioritizing relationships in business are timeless and truly resonate. The book left me feeling inspired and reminded me that success, whether in business or life, is built on treating others with respect and integrity.
Bill Rand is desperate. His start-up company needs cash quickly and he’s determined to chase after it, no matter what it takes – even if it means alienating his whole team in the process. Finally, his business partner recommends he meet with Tom Crawford for some advice. She knows something needs to change before there’s a mutiny at the company.
Tom runs a successful company, so Bill figures he can learn from him. If nothing else, he thinks he’ll find out how to raise cash quickly. After all, Tom needs cash to run his own company and has to have some good ideas on how to get it. But Tom’s approach is not quite what Bill expects. In fact, Tom seems to value people more than money.
Over the course of a few days, Tom shares his wisdom with Bill. Using the idea of a covenant secret, Tom explains how to create a trusting relationship with customers and employees. And this relationship, when properly cultivated, will lead to a successful business model.
The Covenant Secret is an enjoyable and quick read that imparts some really great advice. Although this short fable is written from a business perspective, the seven principles of this secret would also work in other relationships, including family and friendships. I highly recommend it.
Life advice books can often be highly overrated phenomenon’s. You think of someone who is a wannabe Tony Robbins, trying hard to get their fifteen minutes and more than fifteen bucks at dispensing cheap literary parlor tricks, plus pop psychology. Author John Feloni seems aware of this, and because of that he displays a rare, affable humility and sense of fun. Since Feloni clearly believes wholeheartedly in what he’s promoting, you get the sense he’s able to just enjoy himself as a writer.
That makes the read in of itself, titled The Covenant Secret: The 7 Master Keys to Wisdom and Wealth, much more ideologically delectable as an experience. A lot of self-help books can feel somewhat laborious, even the good ones. But the tonality and pacing of Covenant Secret is quick-witted and irreverent. Take, for instance, the title of the book’s second chapter – It’s the People, Stupid! Sometimes it’s good to just throw it on without any varnish, as Feloni repeatedly demonstrates.
Another aspect of the read driving this quality home is Feloni structuring the book like a novel. Similar to the way Dan Millman implemented life lessons in his work Way of the Peaceful Warrior, Feloni displays apt traits not only as an oral and ideological communicator, but as a good, old-fashioned storyteller to boot. “The following…is not true, although many incidents portrayed in it are,” Feloni disclaims at the beginning of the book.” He continues, “I chose a business parable format because of its utility in delivering timeless truths. I also chose fiction for the reason best captured in the words of Oliver Wendell Holmes: ‘History tells lies about real people, fiction tells the truth about imaginary ones.’ Hopefully, I have written a story here that engages and entertains you, and says something that you find useful.”
Probably the part of the read standing out the most to me was in the book’s ninth chapter, titled Community. This is summarized as Where the young man encounters the power of his beliefs, Feloni writing: “…‘A community investment, when well thought out, can be strategic to the business…f you do this properly, you will learn that you can do well by doing good. Proper treatment of a company’s customers, employees, partners, and the communities where it does business is the best way to serve the interest of the business’ owners/investors—of this I am sure. I would not promote using corporate assets for purely altruistic reasons.
That would violate a business leader’s fiduciary responsibility. It must make business sense to do so, and my experience is that it certainly does.’” It’s through these pearls of wisdom, communicated through fully fleshed-out and three-dimensional characters, that Feloni makes the giving and sharing of ideas and hard knocks feel effortless. Part of why the titular ‘keys’ really feel like ideological keys is because of the way they’re so easily implemented and peppered throughout the read. The fact Feloni makes it entertaining is yet another feather in the cap.
John Feloni’s new book is The Covenant Secret: The 7 Master Keys to Wisdom and Wealth. The book, as its title would suggest, is an effective mixture of fiction and actual, leadership advice. Feloni doesn’t mess around with clearly communicating the data and left-brain aspects of the read, but he’s able to seamlessly weave it into a genuinely compelling, original story. It’s not an easy thing to pull off, but Feloni manages to do so with mostly successful results. Take, for instance, the following excerpt: “‘In business, Bill, you know as well as I do, that sometimes what people do makes it easy to feel negative thoughts toward them.
The danger of such thoughts going unchecked is that if we allow them to take root, the result is returned bad behavior. Then we start treating people in the same negative way, and a toxic environment gets firmly established.’…Tom then recounted (to Bill) a true story that made his point of the power of Covenant relationships with employees. ‘In 1978, two of Ross Perot’s employees were taken as political prisoners in Iran. Perot put together a group of volunteers to break into the heavily guarded Iranian prison to free them and bring them home.
Everyone told Mr. Perot he was crazy. It was an impossible proposition. He couldn’t just march into a foreign country with some mercenary team and storm a prison. Who did he think he was? His answer is summarized in what he told Henry Kissinger, “These are my men. I sent them there, and I have to get them back!” And he did!’…To give Bill more to think about, Tom added, ‘It’s the Covenant Secret that bound Ross Perot to his people.’”
It’s this kind of entwining of the actual advice angle with the book’s overall narrative approach making things click. The thing I found myself singularly impressed by as a reader is how, despite a few rough patches here and there to be expected, Feloni makes this seem effortless. It never feels shoehorned in, or like one part of the book suffers because of the other. I haven’t seen that before in projects of this nature. Often educational reads masquerading as fiction can feel forced, inorganic, just flat-out wrong. But Feloni makes it all work, and frankly that feels like a miracle. And independent of that, it makes the learning aspect of The Covenant Secret actually feel fun. Especially earnest passages such as the following don’t come across as cloying, or overtly maudlin. They actually feel gratifying.
“Bill knew he had passion for his business and his vision, but he was upset that he had cared little—if at all—about what his people cared about, he never took the time to know them. He figured that if his company failed, then all the caring in the world wouldn’t matter,” Feloni writes in this vein. “He took comfort in the fact that as long as the company succeeded and people had jobs, he would bear the burden of being considered a bad guy. Bill realized that this was wrong thinking. It was not an (either/or proposition). He could treat people right and still have his company succeed. Actually, it was more than that. He was realizing that Laura and Tom were right — it would not succeed without his treating people right. He committed to changing his ways. He would be a leader!”
Kenneth Osei-afriyie "The Covenant Secret is like Gold Dust. I am reading it gradually in order to digest the contents very well as advised . . .."
RBarran "I was looking for something to read when I came across this little gem. The description intrigued me so I started reading, expecting to me amused at the very least. I wasn't prepared for the profound life lessons which made me stop and think. This book is a quick read, but is packed with reminders about how to live well. Great, soul searching stuff. The writing was easy, like a conversation with a friend, which made reading quite enjoyable. I didn't want to put it down until I found out what the Covenant Secret was. I'm glad I read this book, and will probably read it again."
Sandra Hubbard "This book says what needs to be heard around the world especially in the times we live in. The reminder I needed, the cold splash of water my heart required to jolt it from its stupor of complacency and cynicism that had set in. No matter the profession, this book is inspiring, insightful and exactly what I needed to hear for the season I am in."
CJ "This book is worth every penny spent on it. Inside you won't find a bunch of facts and figures and fancy testimonials. Instead, you will find a fictional story that could absolutely be based off of a true story. This book reads like a movie and brought me in with the meaningful content that was shared. The everlasting principles of real success are shared within these pages. Enjoy!
SchmoozersDeals "If you are a Christian, you will love this book. You will find that it imparts a message that speaks to your heart. If you are not a Christian, you will find portions of this book irrelevant."
JC Gagnaire "You have to read this book. It's a must. If you paid for "Think and Grow Rich" or "How To Win Friends and Influence People" then you've got your money's worth from "The Covenant Secret". This book will illustrate very simply the secret to human relations. I so much want to tell you the secret but I can't because if I did I would do you and the book a disservice. The secret isn't really a secret; we all know it but "The Covenant Secret" solidifies it. Start reading this amazing book NOW! It's a fast and fun read. You'll probably read it twice like I did so you can take notes. I recommend "The Covenant Secret" to CEO's running billion dollar corporations, kindergarten school teachers and people who want to make a positive difference in their loved ones lives. Heck--I don't even know John Feloni and I know for sure his book and writing style made a tremendous impact on my life. I'm very grateful for this book. Thanks again John."
Virginia "I enjoyed reading this book. It's a relatively light read with good principles to do business by. Working on living the Covenant Secret."
Sandy "One of the best for anyone! Doesn't matter if your in business or not. Great message for us all and very well written."
Omar Bogan "Very informative and really is useful info on how to be better mastering your thought process and being able to become more successful!!!"
skacz "This was an enjoyable, easy read with a message similar to The Go-Giver. The auther takes a Christian/bibical based approach to the relationship side of business, but more as a point of reference. I did not feel like I was reading a religion based book, but a book which uses bibical relationship principles as a point of reference."
cyndee "I really enjoyed this book."
jill demuth "There are many instances that you should put the golden rule into effect, however we allow our current society dictate our views of other people. This book helps you to realize what we were put on this Earth for and the message God was sending us. I would recommend this book to anyone who is searching for guidance and direction."
David Miles "This is a very informative book that opened my eyes to many possiblities."
Carla Lee Martinez "This short story was insightful and powerful, put into a story we can understand. It's all about your beingness and how you show up."
Tamara "It was an absolute great read with principles I will surely live by!"
Judy Mitchell "This book provided the direction I was searching for. I am inspired to do and be more to others thus becoming more to myself."
N. Khan "I must admit that I am happy to have purchased this book, it truly gives you a perspective on one's actions 'man in the mirror' scenario. I do recommend this book to any one serious about building relationships that last a lifetime."
John Clay "This book was an excellent read. The narration kept me engaged reading and wanting more. I would recommend this book to anyone who would like to find solace in a good text."
Lewis Jones "The Covenant Secret is told in a simple, yet powerful story that anyone can relate to. The story can be applied to both business and personal relationships."
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