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[headline type=”h2″ title=”The AXIOMS from Kallisti Publishing”]

Laws are broken. Rules get bent.

The AXIOMS from Kallisti Publishing Inc.

[ak-see-uhms] –noun 1. statements or propositions that are regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true 2. the sublime and intrinsic facts of a subject that form the foundational underpinnings upon which one can build unbounded and limitless success.

What’s the difference between a rule, law, or commandment and an AXIOM?

A rule is a guideline to follow that has a strong probability of yielding the expected result.

An AXIOM is an immutable law which can be violated only under the most extraordinary circumstances if at all.

The AXIOMS provides you with the foundational ideas of a particular subject that you can use, both immediately and in the long-term, to attain absolute and definite success.

Every AXIOMS is written by a world-class EXPERT in the particular field. Robert W. Bly is the first AXIOMS EXPERT with The AXIOMS of Marketing and The AXIOMS of Copywriting.

Far too often, the laws and rules of a subject come from a subjective standpoint that, when applied to one’s own experience, yield indefinite and inaccurate results. In other words, laws and rules and commandments and adages quickly become nothing more than bromides that are useless.

The AXIOMS go deeper into a topic.

They provide a base upon which you can then form your own rules and conclusions.

When you master the AXIOMS of a field, you possess a key of inestimable value — one that puts you head and shoulders above the law-abiding and rule-guzzling crowd. You will see the world through a pair of laser-focused lens that give you a sharp perspective on an otherwise blurry terrain. And beyond that lies success, because when you apply the AXIOMS, you find yourself sailing toward a golden horizon.

Learn the AXIOMS.

Use the AXIOMS.

Succeed with the AXIOMS.

[headline type=”h2″ title=”The AXIOMS You Need to Succeed”]

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