
Every year I like to remind you that books do indeed make the best Christmas gifts. We do that not because I am a publisher and make and sell books. No, the reason is because it is simply true!
Last year, I gave you five reasons that books make the best gifts.
Well, this year, I offer you ten reasons that books make the best Christmas gifts from none other than John Grisham, America’s favourite storyteller.
1. Books are easier to wrap than footballs or fruit baskets.
2. Books don’t break.
3. Once you’ve finished with a book, it’s not empty, in fact it’s still full!
4. No batteries or assembly needed.
5. Books don’t make annoying noises that alarm pets or grandparents.
6. One size fits all.
7. No ironing or washing or maintenance of any kind required.
8. Books are non-perishable.
9. There’s a book for everyone, even Uncle Albert, who reads only post-modern detective westerns.
10. Giving a book shows how well you know and and how much you respect the recipient.
If those reasons don’t convince, then I don’t think any will.
So, shop here and find a book (or two) for everyone on your Christmas list. It’s convenient, easy, and inexpensive.
We wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS, one and all!